Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dutch researchers set new record for data transfer speeds: 255 terabits / s

Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU / e), The Netherlands, announced that it had successfully developed a new generation of cable types with bandwidth 21 times greater than current networking standard.

With the above cable types, the team has set a new record for data transfer speeds of 255 terabits / s. The new cable format promises to solve the problem of network congestion caused by fiber demand is growing today.

The team of researchers at TU / e, led by Dr. Rodrigo Amezcua Correa and Chigo Okonkwo, has demonstrated the potential of a new cable types for increased data transmission and reduce the impact when situations congestion happen. The study was published in the journal Nature Photonics recent issue.

Basically, the new cable types including 7 different cores instead of just one as in the generation core optical fiber present. Each core is capable of light transmission. We can envision new fibrous like a highway with 7 different lanes. However, the features that each "lane" was added 2 perpendicular. Also the "extra lane" has the ability to transmit data. This allows "data truck 3" can move on with a "lane". The end result, this technique allows the researchers can transmit a total of 255 terabits of data per second, 20 times faster than the current standard (4-8 terabits / s). This figure is equivalent to a rate of about 32Terabyte / s.

Dr. Chigo Okonkwo said: "The new cable type with a diameter less than 200 microns so will not occupy much space as the previous cable system. However, the data transmission speed of it is really amazing . on the other hand, this is only the beginning and the possibilities in the future, the number of speed can be increased to every Petabits / s. "It is also the main objective of the research program developing a data transmission technology alliances by European Commission initiated and is expected to be completed in 2020. At the same time, new cables also set the stage for more another record was set in the future in order to address the needs of global internet bandwidth is growing extremely fast as today.

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