Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Japan could be "wiped out" from Earth in about 100 years

Scientists recently warned about the status of the current raging volcanoes national causes "Sunrise" were heavy losses in 100 years.

According to a recent study carried out by experts at the University of Kobe, Japan said, even in this century will be a lot of volcanic eruptions and some of them will even be "flattened" Japan, prompting the country's 127 million people at risk, the majority of them can not survive.

"We have recorded and analyzed the cycle of volcanic eruptions. And not exaggerating when a natural disaster that particular eruption caused Japan to disappear, "the report said.

Two experts from Kobe University professor Yoshiyuki Tatsumi and Keiko Suzuki - a key member of the team - were analyzed based on a giant volcano on the island of Kyushu. This is the island that happened to 7 lava eruption 120,000 years.

In the report, the experts said that if the southern islands of Japan erupted, it would bury about 7 million people under lava flows within a few hours. Also, the west wind will carry millions of tons of ash to the island Honsu - the main island and the most concentrated population (about 120 million people) of Japan makes life there became "hopeless". Of course, the rest of the class will be the influence of ash. Percentage erupted again in the next 100 years of volcano is about 1%.

Although this is a very small percentage, but experts warn that people should not neglect off guard and underestimate it. As in the past, a similar prediction in 1995 for a powerful earthquake of 7.2 magnitude was 1%. That year, the earthquake that devastated the city of Kobe, causing 6,400 deaths and 4,400 people injured.

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