Tuesday, October 21, 2014

President Obama was "jealous"

President Obama is to vote beside a young girl, then her fiance went over and warned: "Mr. President, do not touch my girl".    White House boss staring vote, a guy went over and warned: "Mr. President, do not touch my girl". White House boss staring vote, a guy went over and warned: "Mr. President, do not touch my girl". Interesting story happening in the midterm early voting in Chicago - USA on 20-10. Unexpected reaction of guy that girls - Aia Cooper, was standing next to President Obama to laugh. Thankfully, the Commander in Chief of the United States reacts quite gentle and reasonable. He replied humorously: "I'm really not going to do that." After the guys name is Mike, Aia President also told Cooper: "This is where a guy made ​​me unreasonably embarrassed. This is good to get home to tell friends that, Aia. I can not believe there idiot like Mike ". Turns out ... it was the girl's boyfriend is next to vote Obama However, Mike's warning did not prevent Obama Aia Cooper goodbye kiss before leaving the polling place. White House boss wit: "Come hug me, let him talk about that. Now he is really jealous and know ". Now Mike can really jealous Immediately after exiting the polling place, Cooper was immediately surrounded by a series of news outlets to interview about the unbelievable happened before. She shared with the station WLS-TV that she hugged the president, but also do not forget to pat him jealous lover: "Just a kiss on the cheek Come on Mike". Share with CBS Chicago after the vote, Cooper has not gone away excitedly: "At that time I did not know what to say. I only know run only News source: http://www.xaluan.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1000609#ixzz3GqOvE2wu

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