Sunday, November 23, 2014

The biggest cyber attack in history in Hong Kong

Largest cyber attacks in history took place on the independent information website (not managed by the government) in the past few months in Hong Kong with increasing intensity. Attacks Denial of Service (DDoS) focuses on the independent website and PopVote Apply Daily. Here are two sites referendum unofficially to expand voting rights for the people of Hong Kong. CloudFlare, the company guarantees the safety of 2 on the said websites, the DDoS attacks are unprecedented scale. Traffic volume even up to 500 gigabits / second (Gps) This number is much larger Spamhaus cyber attacks last year. Spamhaus attack with a flow of about 300 Gps, and it was just enough to slow the pace of global Internet connectivity. The previous record belonged to DDoS attacks in Europe in February this year, with a flow of 400 Gps. "The scale of this attack is greater than any attack we have ever known, is probably one of the biggest attacks the world," CloudFlare CEO Matthew Prince said. The initial attacks aimed at PopVote from June, then switched to Apple Daily. Attack method is mainly used garbage masquerading packets legitimate access to the traffic spike. At least 5 botnets is also involved in this attack. Over the past few months, the new group has taken control of the server from Amazon's cloud system and server vendors Web Lease Europe, to implement the attack. Hackers also attacked the system and target page executive member PopVote by spoofing attacks (attacks to "lure" people used to disclose confidential information). In addition to the above two sites, attacks also aim to another customer of CloudFlare. The intensity of these attacks increased whenever there is important information on the protest. For example, the number of attacks spike on news of the leadership team student protesters barred from Beijing. Group attacks also caused the Internet service provider (ISP), it's difficult to distinguish who is the legitimate access, who the vandals to the website of Hong Kong. Some ISPs such as Virgin Media in the UK has always chosen to block access to protected systems. However, according to Prince, this is wrong. "In this case, CloudFlare can Popvote and defenses before the attack, but the ISP in the world will not be able to be blocked page". CloudFlare representative said it was not clear who was behind the incident. Last year, the man behind the attacks enough to slow down the Internet worldwide, Spamhaus is just a boy in London. "The only thing we know is that the attacker does not have sympathy for the democracy movement in Hong Kong," Prince said. An important feature of the attacks that are directed at the DNS system. This method is simple and easy to increase the amount of DDoS attacks. "We are faced with around 250 million DNS requests per second, equal to the total number of DNS requests per second Internet world," Prince said. Through a series of personal computers and servers were infected, the attacker created a series of fake requests to the website of Hong Kong, forcing Internet service providers to check the IP address through the DNS. Overload requirements, some service providers, such as Virgin Media will block all connections to web sites on.

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