Friday, November 7, 2014

'The intervention of the US and NATO could spark a nuclear war

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According to Chomsky, the territorial expansion of NATO and US seek hegemony has put the world in a situation very unstable explosive, nuclear war.

Noam Chomsky, linguist, philosopher and political activist Americans, have pointed out the potential danger of the current confrontation between Russia and the West in an interview with RT today 7/11 .

According to Chomsky, the geographical expansion of NATO and US seek hegemony has put the world on a very unstable situation in which any random conflicts which may lead to a nuclear war.

"The new NATO muom control the world"

New NATO, emerged after the collapse of the Soviet Union essentially an intervention by US forces direction, with a completely different task than the original purpose of the establishment, Mr. Chomsky said.

"In fact, one might ask why NATO continues to exist. Justification is NATO's primary purpose of protecting Western Europe from the Russians when they attack Western Europe," he said.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, the Russian threat is not so much naturally, this alliance had dissolved in 1990. In contrast, NATO has ignored the agreement, continue to expand to Russian border.

"Its mission has changed. The main task of NATO is now becoming a control pipe, the global energy system. That means controlling the world," he says Noam Chomsky.

"The world is closer to a nuclear war"

Scary ability has increased many times than before. It could happen again, but in a very random way that no one can predict.

The worst scenario of the current international uncertainty, particularly related to the tensions between the US and Russia is like a new Cold War, could lead to a nuclear war in which all parties will be disqualified.

According to Chomsky, this terrifying possibility has increased many times than before. It could happen again, but in a very random way that no one can predict.

"There have been many cases is not serious, but pretty close to deciding to start a nuclear war. No one can guarantee that this will not happen again," Mr. Chomsky said.

Chomsky said that the risk of nuclear war between Russia and NATO-related crisis, Ukraine is particularly high due alliance has deployed missile defense systems near its border with Russia, a move Moscow considered threat.

"The West can not isolate Russia, just as Moscow pushes closer to China"

With the efforts to isolate Russia through confrontation and sanctions, the West is pushing Moscow closer to the east, towards closer relations with China.

With the efforts to isolate Russia through confrontation and sanctions, the West is pushing Moscow closer to the east, towards closer relations with China.

According to Chomsky in Russian-Chinese relations, Moscow is the main partner. Thus Russia has made some concessions to Beijing. However, if the American public wants to create a new power system, they will be ready to significantly reduce US dominance in the world.

American ever at the pinnacle of power in about 1945 when this country owns half the wealth of the world and US leaders designed, organized a system is beneficial for your business. But this position quickly collapsed, after China gained independence in 1949, Mr. Chomsky said.

According to Chomsky, American actions in the Middle East, particularly the war of aggression in Iraq, have created the circumstances to emerge IS terrorism. Therefore, the US coalition against Iraq back action IS "pointless, illegal".

News source: http: // ........

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