Monday, November 24, 2014

Sweden aligned countries 'non cash

"Sweden and other Scandinavian countries are leading the trend of non-cash payment in the world," said Bengt Nilervall at the Swedish Trade Association (Svensk Handel) said in a report. Swedes use debit and credit cards almost daily with an average of 260 transactions per person per year. The popularity of the electronic payment system has helped people have more choices when transferring small amounts but not rely on ATMs as before. Meanwhile, the picture in stark contrast to Italy. Three-quarters of this transaction shall be paid in cash. "It is by faith in the government and banking system, low", Niklas Arvidsson - a research professor of industrial motion explained on The Local. Retailers, banks and card firms are very welcome trends this payment. No cash will increase safety for both their employees and customers. Cost of cash holdings is estimated at $ 1.2 billion per year, equivalent to 0.3% of GDP. Armed robberies also decreased with the popularity of cash. In 2012, Sweden only 5 bank robberies, according to the Association of Banks of this country. This is the lowest figure for 30 years............

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