Sunday, November 23, 2014

The secret existence of thousands of years of Japanese firms

According to Guinness World Records, the oldest hotel in the world is not in Paris, London or Rome, which is in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan. It's near the hotel Nisiyama Onsen hot springs Keiunkan, born from years 705.- hotel second oldest is a hot spring facility in Japan: Ryokan, in operation since 718. businesses Heard and saw a lot of Japanese firms (companies) are "old" how much is normal there is nothing to make us surprised, because we're talking about an ancient country with an economy long life. The majority of businesses most archaic Japanese companies are local families, as the maker of sake and the inn (ryokan), which was established in the 13th century to serve the merchant goes the business between Tokyo and Kyoto. throne According to Hugh Patrick, Director of the Center for Economic Studies and the Japan External Trade of the Department of Business Columbia University (USA), before becoming the first Asian country to enter the path of industrialization in the 1870s, Japan had an agricultural economy is developing in parallel with a "large class of burghers and rich." The main components of this affluent urban population has created abundant customer resources for small businesses in Japan at that time. However, factors only explain the cause rather than help us argue why and how the companies mentioned above were able to "longevity". To explain this reason, Prof. David Weinstein, who studies Japanese economy at Columbia University stated that the key factor to the success of the oldest family businesses in Japan are entitled to inherit the estate through each generation of the family, in which the eldest son will be allocated the entire family fortune of the family, so the Japanese company may be transferred to only a single member of the family and times turn over many generations.

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