Monday, October 27, 2014

Female fighters kill 100 rebels were executed IS?

A Kurdish woman warrior striking achievement for destroying the elements of the Islamic State forces may have been terrorist rebels beheaded.

Rehana famous female warrior with the "winner". Picture: Twitter

Many of these social networking sites propagandists for the Islamic State (IS) recently posted an image of a beheaded girl and said it was the body of the Kurdish warrior woman named Rehana, put Daily 27/10. This information has not been independently verified.

Rehana become one of the symbols of the Kurdish forces against the Muslims after the picture she held the symbol V (Victory) appear on the network. She is a member of Yekineyen Parastina Jin, a female infantry combat team in town Kobane in Syria.

"Rehana killed over 100 terrorists Islamic State in Kobane on the battlefield," said Pawan Durani, a journalist supporting Kurdish forces, wrote on Twitter.

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